| (619) 277-8192 | Los Angeles, CA
"Sometimes when we're in the thick of it, right where it seems the darkest and the most corrupt, we want to cleanse ourselves. Some write in their journals. Some write letters that they never intend to send. Or do. Some actually confront the secret. Me? I take a shower. Of course I know it doesn't really do anything. But I'm a visual person. And so it helps. To visualize me, being cleansed of all of the troubles, the worries, and to be left with hope."

“Sometimes when we’re in the thick of it, right where it seems the darkest and the most corrupt, we want to cleanse ourselves. Some write in their journals. Some write letters that they never intend to send. Or do. Some actually confront the secret. Me? I take a shower. Of course I know it doesn’t really do anything. But I’m a visual person. And so it helps. To visualize me, being cleansed of all of the troubles, the worries, and to be left with hope.”

"I drink, wait for her texts, smoke, and waste away."

“I drink, wait for her texts, smoke, and waste away.”

"--feel it in my chest. I wouldn’t be able to breathe.
My hands would go numb. You’re awake, but your mind isn’t and then sometimes it’s just like going crazy."

“–feel it in my chest. I wouldn’t be able to breathe.
My hands would go numb. You’re awake, but your mind isn’t and then sometimes it’s just like going crazy.”

"People are so cruel and straight up reject you. Beyond alienating."

“People are so cruel and straight up reject you. Beyond alienating.”

"The rejection is fine, but it’s the longing afterward."

“The rejection is fine, but it’s the longing afterward.”

"It happened at a party... I keep falling into bed with people ever since it happened. When I can't sleep at night I just start to clean everything."

“It happened at a party… I keep falling into bed with people ever since it happened. When I can’t sleep at night I just start to clean everything.”

"I feel even worse in moments when I realize I'm not as good as I think I am- when I am not able to be vulnerable and when I'm not really helping anyone."

“I feel even worse in moments when I realize I’m not as good as I think I am- when I am not able to be vulnerable and when I’m not really helping anyone.”

Translation: "I have lived a lot. I have fought a lot. You don't know what will happen, but to be able to survive and support yourself you must learn to hang on to someone or something."

Original Text: "Hice esta posición porque en pensar en que hago para apoyarme, en ese momento quería agarrarmé. No sabes lo que va pasar y agarras algo para poder a apoyar a tu mismo. A una sola se puede apoyarse por dios, otra persona la naturaleza, o otra forma. En el momento de sufrimiento una persona tiene que agarrar algo o alguien para superarlo."

Translation: “I have lived a lot. I have fought a lot. You don’t know what will happen, but to be able to survive and support yourself you must learn to hang on to someone or something.”

Original Text: “Hice esta posición porque en pensar en que hago para apoyarme, en ese momento quería agarrarmé. No sabes lo que va pasar y agarras algo para poder a apoyar a tu mismo. A una sola se puede apoyarse por dios, otra persona la naturaleza, o otra forma. En el momento de sufrimiento una persona tiene que agarrar algo o alguien para superarlo.”

“I waited for him to fall asleep before I ran.”

“I waited for him to fall asleep before I ran.”

"It's difficult to live when I feel like I'm not being heard."

“It’s difficult to live when I feel like I’m not being heard.”

Translation: "Every time I come back it causes me pain. But it still heals me to be reminded that happier times existed."

Original text: "Me da daño venir, es una tristeza ver como está, pero alivia ver que nuestra tiempo feliz existió. "

Translation: “Every time I come back it causes me pain. But it still heals me to be reminded that happier times existed.”

Original text: “Me da daño venir, es una tristeza ver como está, pero alivia ver que nuestra tiempo feliz existió. “
